Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I am trying to get back on the workout wagon. It is a daily struggle. And I do mean struggle. I love to run, so I don't understand why I am having such a hard time getting back in the swing of things. I ordered my new shoes; they fit and feel great. I love the Nike+ system. I have amazing playlists... so why the struggle? I blame it on my love of sleep and shopping.

I guess I need to explain this. I feel like I am never, NEVER getting enough sleep. Between middle of the night bathroom breaks, dogs waking me up, husband waking me up and the occasional nightmare I do not get 8 hours of sleep. So, when the alarm goes off at 5 a.m. for a morning jog - I hit snooze. I don't go back to sleep. I toss and turn, but I don't drag my ass out of bed. Nope, I then regret all day that I didn't drag myself outside.

Second, I don't have much time. I am at work for almost 10 hours a day. Yep, you figure almost a half hour travel every morning and again in the evening, an 8 hour work day and a lunch and wa-la, you are at 10 hours. Hopefully, I am not working overtime! So, after that 10 hour workday, and the morning shower and prep time, I am exhausted. It is really hard to have a real 40 hour work week and stay healthy. You have to sacrifice so much. My husband has repeatedly asked me to quit my job. Why don't I? Because I don't like living by a strict budget. If I am making all of the "fun" money then we can do whatever we like, without dipping into savings or looking at the budget. I don't know that I would be okay asking my husband if I could buy that purse, or those shoes.... It would be a very difficult transition.

For now, I guess I will sacrifice "me" time. The dogs are getting more walks/runs in my attempt to be thin again. Yes Dr. Ball, your cruel words have stuck with me and I am sick of thinking you might be right. No soda, no greasy, fatty foods. It is whole, natural foods and hard work for me. Tonight the puppies and I logged 2.5 miles. Not a lot, but enough that I feel decent. It is a start right? Have to stay optimistic here! The hippie in me is loving the food, and the runner in me is coming back around.

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