Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Babies, babies, babies....

Today was a very interesting day. I had an appointment to discuss test results with my favorite OBGYN here in Misawa - wait for it because his name is so perfect to be an OBGYN.... Dr. Massengill! Still makes me giggle. Anywho, it ended up being a quick run through of the results and more of a "plan of attack" for our infertility and miscarriage issues.

Good news, all results normal. Bad news, we have had REALLY shitty luck.

So, the plan, other than lots of practice at procreation, is a mixed drug approach. We will kick-start some things, heat some things up and then if that doesn't take we will give a vacation to certain organs. I am usually very anti-drugs, I HATE taking pills if I don't need them, yes even Tylenol. However, I have reached a certain desperation that I never thought I would reach. I think Scott realizes that I am about at a breaking point, as he has been treading carefully whenever I mention anything to do with pregnancy, babies, etc...

Fair warning to friends & family, I will be moody and emotional over the next few months. Fertility hormones do that to me. So, I apologize in advance. Hell, I just popped the first pill and started crying. You are my friends and CARING family members for a reason - deal with it.

Love all of you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry love muffin! I foresee many boob-on-boob hugs in the next few weeks! =)


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