Monday, December 6, 2010

Deployment is almost over!

He should have been home by now, but alas, Kim Jong Il is psycho - who knew? haha! We hope that he will be home within the week. Believe me, I am ready! I don't care about anything but getting him home. We are hoping we don't have to attend the holiday party for his command, but I am afraid someone already bought us tickets and we are going to be forced to go, BOO! Oh well, at least I have lost 20 lbs. since Scott left, YAY ME! I can now run a half marathon without dying. I am getting in great shape and I feel much better. I did not scrapbook or learn to cook new dishes, but I worked out and walked the dogs. That is more than meeting my goals as far as I am concerned. Oh, and I did make it to the Hirosaki Chrysanthemum Festival, it was really pretty! All in all, I accomplished what I wanted. Scott and I were both miserable throughout this deployment, but we made it through. Just praying he is home in a couple days so I don't regret saying we made it :)
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