Friday, April 23, 2010

Scott is home!

WOOHOO! Scott is on the train and heading back! I can't wait to see him. I am ticked I had to vacuum the car for almost two hours in order to be able to pick him and his buddy up. However, it will be worth it when I finally thaw out and see him. So, I need to go clean the house now. Just wanted to note that I am still madly in love with my dear husband, who also happens to be the best husband in the whole world!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Babies, babies, babies....

Today was a very interesting day. I had an appointment to discuss test results with my favorite OBGYN here in Misawa - wait for it because his name is so perfect to be an OBGYN.... Dr. Massengill! Still makes me giggle. Anywho, it ended up being a quick run through of the results and more of a "plan of attack" for our infertility and miscarriage issues.

Good news, all results normal. Bad news, we have had REALLY shitty luck.

So, the plan, other than lots of practice at procreation, is a mixed drug approach. We will kick-start some things, heat some things up and then if that doesn't take we will give a vacation to certain organs. I am usually very anti-drugs, I HATE taking pills if I don't need them, yes even Tylenol. However, I have reached a certain desperation that I never thought I would reach. I think Scott realizes that I am about at a breaking point, as he has been treading carefully whenever I mention anything to do with pregnancy, babies, etc...

Fair warning to friends & family, I will be moody and emotional over the next few months. Fertility hormones do that to me. So, I apologize in advance. Hell, I just popped the first pill and started crying. You are my friends and CARING family members for a reason - deal with it.

Love all of you!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I am trying to get back on the workout wagon. It is a daily struggle. And I do mean struggle. I love to run, so I don't understand why I am having such a hard time getting back in the swing of things. I ordered my new shoes; they fit and feel great. I love the Nike+ system. I have amazing playlists... so why the struggle? I blame it on my love of sleep and shopping.

I guess I need to explain this. I feel like I am never, NEVER getting enough sleep. Between middle of the night bathroom breaks, dogs waking me up, husband waking me up and the occasional nightmare I do not get 8 hours of sleep. So, when the alarm goes off at 5 a.m. for a morning jog - I hit snooze. I don't go back to sleep. I toss and turn, but I don't drag my ass out of bed. Nope, I then regret all day that I didn't drag myself outside.

Second, I don't have much time. I am at work for almost 10 hours a day. Yep, you figure almost a half hour travel every morning and again in the evening, an 8 hour work day and a lunch and wa-la, you are at 10 hours. Hopefully, I am not working overtime! So, after that 10 hour workday, and the morning shower and prep time, I am exhausted. It is really hard to have a real 40 hour work week and stay healthy. You have to sacrifice so much. My husband has repeatedly asked me to quit my job. Why don't I? Because I don't like living by a strict budget. If I am making all of the "fun" money then we can do whatever we like, without dipping into savings or looking at the budget. I don't know that I would be okay asking my husband if I could buy that purse, or those shoes.... It would be a very difficult transition.

For now, I guess I will sacrifice "me" time. The dogs are getting more walks/runs in my attempt to be thin again. Yes Dr. Ball, your cruel words have stuck with me and I am sick of thinking you might be right. No soda, no greasy, fatty foods. It is whole, natural foods and hard work for me. Tonight the puppies and I logged 2.5 miles. Not a lot, but enough that I feel decent. It is a start right? Have to stay optimistic here! The hippie in me is loving the food, and the runner in me is coming back around.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hump Day Blues

I am in an extremely foul mood today. I really want to punch the two annoying people in the office, like a put them in the emergency room punch! I hate being stressed out. And the heat is back on because it is wet and cold outside. That blows. I don't feel like digging through my clothes to find something for work tomorrow. I feel like being a bum on the couch and eating bon bons all day! Going to take out all of this stress and anger in spin tomorrow, but getting through the workday in the meantime is going to suck. Ugh, I think I am going to bed to try and forget how sucky today has been.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Busy weekend indeed... Spent Friday home with Scott. It was nice to lounge around before the last minute madness began. I don't know what this new tradition stems from, but Scott loves leaving his ID in the building and forgetting it until after orders for deployment are cut and we have to get back up there and find a way to get it out to him. Luckily, this time Jackie was still in the office to help out!

Saturday sucked and was awesome all in the same day. I hated saying bye to the hubby. However, my friends have made the transition pretty easy. Carin and SaVanna convinced Scott and I to get iPhones, so I got mine on Saturday and have had a blast with it. Also went to Toys R' Us to get Miyuki's daughter a birthday present. Zhu Zhu Pet hamsters are awesome! Had fun seeing the kids act a fool at the birthday party. Karin made out on the gifts, she got some amazing present and three copies of Hannah Montana Uno, and no I did not get her one of them!

Carin brought her new puppy, Doug, over to meet Brewster and Darby Saturday evening. We took the three of them on a nice walk. Darby and Doug are going to have a LOT of fun once Doug is a little bigger. Brewster was well behaved, but wanted nothing to do with Doug. Old, grumpy man. Can't wait until Brewster's dental appointment, fresh breath will be so nice!

Today is Easter Sunday. I have a lot to be thankful for. I have the world's best husband, hands down. I love my puppies more than ever. I have friends who ROCK! I have been really lucky in the sense that I have solid friends back home and yet I continue to meet wonderful people who enrich my life constantly. Coloring eggs today was too fun, especially since Carin had never colored eggs before - they were just boring old dip and dye, but still fun! Now, I must get ready for the week. Time to make some egg salad, pack some lunch, lay out some clothes and get my schedule organized.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Preparing for another deployment

Scott is leaving again. BOO! The only upside is the not cooking, eating cereal for dinner, and the purchase of the new iPhone this weekend... HIS suggestion :) I still hate that he is leaving and really dread dropping him off at the train station.

Took Darby to the vet today. Dr. Yoshida said he was probably in pain and that is what started the licking. However, the constant obsessive licking has lead to a fungal infection. YUCK! So, we have some cream we put on it once a day and have to make sure that he doesn't lick the cream for at least 10 mins or else he might get upset tummy! All of this and the consultation for Brewstser's teeth cleaning next Saturday all totaled 3,500yen - so $38! That was it! And Brew's dental cleaning is only going to run about $200. YAY! Loving Dr. Yoshida right now.

There are a lot of people who won't be here when Scott gets back, so we had a lot of "Goodbye" dinners this week. Yoshino's was fantastic! So yummy! I know Scott is going to miss working with Jackie, stinks that she will be TDY when he gets a few days at home and will have already PCSed by the time he has finished his trip! At least I will get some time with her I suppose.

Scott's extension was approved, one more miserable year in Misawa is better than 3 years in Ft. Meade. I love Japan, but isolated Misawa is getting old. Thank goodness for good friends. I am so glad to know that SaVanna will at least be here the whole time with me - love you SaV! By the way, need your help with the phone tomorrow!!! Ok, now to spend more time with Scott before we have to pack his crap.
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