Friday, April 2, 2010

Preparing for another deployment

Scott is leaving again. BOO! The only upside is the not cooking, eating cereal for dinner, and the purchase of the new iPhone this weekend... HIS suggestion :) I still hate that he is leaving and really dread dropping him off at the train station.

Took Darby to the vet today. Dr. Yoshida said he was probably in pain and that is what started the licking. However, the constant obsessive licking has lead to a fungal infection. YUCK! So, we have some cream we put on it once a day and have to make sure that he doesn't lick the cream for at least 10 mins or else he might get upset tummy! All of this and the consultation for Brewstser's teeth cleaning next Saturday all totaled 3,500yen - so $38! That was it! And Brew's dental cleaning is only going to run about $200. YAY! Loving Dr. Yoshida right now.

There are a lot of people who won't be here when Scott gets back, so we had a lot of "Goodbye" dinners this week. Yoshino's was fantastic! So yummy! I know Scott is going to miss working with Jackie, stinks that she will be TDY when he gets a few days at home and will have already PCSed by the time he has finished his trip! At least I will get some time with her I suppose.

Scott's extension was approved, one more miserable year in Misawa is better than 3 years in Ft. Meade. I love Japan, but isolated Misawa is getting old. Thank goodness for good friends. I am so glad to know that SaVanna will at least be here the whole time with me - love you SaV! By the way, need your help with the phone tomorrow!!! Ok, now to spend more time with Scott before we have to pack his crap.


  1. BOO! For Scott leaving! He just started up his bromance with Carl, and now he's leaving! :\

    Yay for the iPhone! Seriously, you're going to love it SOOO much! Like, loads of bunch..

    And I'm glad that you're going to be here with me until we PCS! Maybe we'll fly out on the PatEx together!?


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