Saturday, May 15, 2010

Freaking Deployment

Why is it that when a spouse deploys, Murphy's law kicks in? Seriously, when Scott leaves it is inevitable that craziness will ensue.

This morning I started the mower, because to be honest my yard looked like an overgrown jungle spotted with doggie land mines. Grass was high enough that I couldn't even get to these lovely piles that have accumulated over the last two weeks. So, I get the mower into the yard and get one pass done when KABOOM. Mower sputters. Mower dies. Ugh. I do the typical checks, oil and clogging grass... nope. And I had just filled the gas tank, so that couldn't be it. I call Scott, he says to call Grant. I call Grant, that was at 11 a.m. and it is now 4 p.m. and I haven't heard back. Then Scott suggests I ask MSgt McAfee, our neighbor, to take a look at it. He does, but is laughing the whole time because as he points out - he fixes computers all day. Nice guy though, at least he let me borrow his mower so that my jungle was at least tamed for the time being. But a new mower is in our near future and with the vast array of options at the BX I am sure it will be a jewel.

I filled the Darby hole in with the extra bag of potting soil I had on hand. However, it did not fill it completely. I don't know how Darby was able to dig a hole that deep without being caught, but it is a pretty nasty trench. I swear the dogs are trying to turn the yard into a mud pit. Then, I go to rake the excess grass clippings only to discover the rake is broken. WTF? Really? Fuck it. I am going inside to get lunch and sulk. Yep, the sulk is winning for the time being.

Tomorrow I need to get to the grocery store and clean Scott's car - the person who borrowed it while we were gone smoked in it so it is stinky. It is a never ending circle of stupidity.

I miss Scott. I really hope the trip to Okinawa worked. Relaxation is in my near future, counting down the days!

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